
BUZZFEED READER | habit, capitalism, art-making
NEW YORK TIMES MAGAZINE | nail-biting, Stoics, habit
MAISONNEUVE | Levinas, contour drawing, faces
REAL LIFE | podcasts, consciousness, the 1920s
CHATELAINE | Tarot cards, intuition, women
REAL LIFE | binaural beats, brain hacking, illusions
REAL LIFE | technology, exposure, selfhood
HAZLITT | Ohio, Instagram, being foreign


TRICYCLE | Alison Bechdel, mind-body stuff, exercise
BUZZFEED READER | Tegan & Sara, memoir, high school
HAZLITT | nostalgia, Paul Auster, loneliness
HAZLITT  | housesitting, Sheila Heti, being a creep
THE NATIONAL POST | Sasquatch, Sharma Shields, magical realism


QUILL & QUIRE | The Bachelor, ontology, poetry
BUZZFEED READER  | The Bachelor, race, labour
SLATE | The Voice, Christianity
LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS | The Bachelor, supply and demand
PARTISAN | The Bachelorette, sex
PARTISAN | Married at First Sight, capitalism

[odd beliefs]

HAZLITT | Buddhism, marriage plots, cults
THE WALRUS | Celine Dion, coincidence, impersonation
MAISONNEUVE | Sasquatch, cryptozoology, pseudoscience
HAZLITT | prepping, privilege, race
THE TOAST | poetry, plagiarism, death
THE WALRUS | Buddhism, inheritance, Halifax


REAL LIFE | kettlebells, prepping, physical culture
BUZZFEED READER | bodybuilding, Strongman, Trump
HAZLITT | ticklishness, science, death
CHATELAINE | handstands, rituals
SHARP | CBD, health
RACKED  | style, shoes, death